Zodiac Signs Memes


Welcome to our Zodiac Signs page on TopMemes.com, where we expose the funny bones of the celestial world! We've compiled a hysterical collection of zodiac-themed memes that'll have you questioning whether the stars are truly aligned or just having a laugh at our expense.

Astrology, the pseudoscience that's older than your great-great-grandma, derives insights about human affairs and terrestrial events by observing the movements and relative positions of celestial objects. This mystical practice dates back to the ancient Babylonians, who, unbeknownst to them, handed over the perfect material for 21st-century meme-makers. Dive into the bizarre history of astrology on Wikipedia.

Today, zodiac signs and astrology provide countless adults with stellar explanations for their quirks, missteps, and even toxic behaviors. Whether you're a true believer or a skeptic, our collection of side-splitting memes will have you laughing like you've just been hit by a cosmic tickle ray!

For an in-depth look at each zodiac sign's characteristics (and maybe some clues for your next meme masterpiece), check out this comprehensive guide from Astrology.com.

What is your sign?

What is your sign?

Unless you want some kind of ‘abracadabra’ curse on you, you’d better watch your mouth when talking about astrology.

Ice cream flavors are a matter of importance

Ice cream flavors are a matter of importance

We can go back to being logical, right after finding the perfect flavor of ice cream that matches.

Defy the stars

Defy the stars

When you have the unfortunate fate of loving someone who is a firm believer in astrology and your stars don’t match. We thought of a moment like this, that is why we have Heartbreak Memes To Heal your broken heart.

Oh, so accurate

Oh, so accurate

These astrology readings come up with wild guesses that are a no-brainer. But then you see people buying into it. In case you want to go ahead and check your zodiac and its readings, check out Astrology.com

Gemini and Libra

Gemini and Libra

And then, there are those people steadily making excuses for their mistakes with their astrology signs. Well, two can be mad.

Accepting all compliments regardless

Accepting all compliments regardless

A little hypocrisy is not all that bad. We can always come back to trashing it later.

Sorry, that was a wrong turn

Sorry, that was a wrong turn

“Please Lord, save us from these witches.” This is the prayer of people who would have nothing to do with astrology. And it gets worse if you had been crushing from afar, yet another hope dashed. We bet these Relatable Crush Memes resonate with you in one way or the other.

Ouch, this explains it all

Ouch, this explains it all

This is just savagery but we can’t help it. What are the odds that your sign matches something in your life?

Dinosaur sign

Dinosaur sign

If you believe in astrology, then sorry, you must believe in everything!

No, you are just toxic

No, you are just toxic

Who else finds it grating when an adult attributes their toxic behavior to the position of the stars and suns, or whatever. Just bloody take responsibility. Speaking of taking responsibility for your actions, how are you coping with adulting. Check out these Top Memes About Adulting

After all said and done

After all said and done

No matter how much you hate these astrology signs when you are in love you wouldn’t mind any of it. If you enjoyed these memes, do well to share with your friends and check out other collections at Topmemes.