The Simpsons Memes

The multitude of plot points and characters gave viewers great material for memes and goofy reaction gifs. The following are some of the best memes that have been made so far. Everyone has a favorite Simpsons scene or a favorite Homer remark, and it is without a doubt the highest praise that can be made to the show. Yes, The Simpsons is past its prime, but it still delivers more chuckles in each episode than any other sitcom. In fact, several Simpsons sequences were so accurate that they foreshadowed future occurrences. The characters are still interesting, and the writing is still excellent. The Simpsons is not just one of the best animated sitcoms of all time, but it was also a key element of the 1990s. It was created by cartoonist Matt Groening for a series of animated shorts that debuted on The Tracey Ullman Show on Fox on April 19, 1987. The Simpsons have largely shaped culture as we know it. Homer Simpson portrays how we are stupid and foolish, yet incredibly likable, Marge is always the nagging one who never lets up but is still caring, Lisa is the cautious one who always has a brain, and Bart is the one who doesn’t. In a nutshell, we all have a little Simpson inside us. Or it may just be a silly (but entertaining) TV show that keeps us saying “What’s On” on Sunday nights.

You Fell For My Trickery

You Fell For My Trickery

Many people love having a little fun with their pets that borders on being mean without being cruel. Of course, the classic is to pretend to throw an object for your dog to chase, only to keep it in your hand and send them running after nothing. Feeling superior to an actual dog isn’t exactly something to be proud of, but it does leave you smirking like Homer Simpson in this meme.

At Least I’m Funny

At Least I’m Funny

When you’ve been the best boyfriend in the world, going above and beyond for her, but she still leaves you heartbroken. Only to discover that it was your memes, not you, that she adored.

I Like Me

I Like Me

Nothing beats loving yourself and appreciating yourself more. Focusing on self-care, positive encouragement, and self-love should be your ultimate goal. You are your biggest fan and you should not let the world define how you feel about yourself.



Being a part of entertaining activities with your friends or family is one of the nicest experiences. Being left out, on the other hand, gives you the worst feeling in the world and leaves you with the same facial expression like Homer Simpson. Related:Find more Simpsons memes.



When you’re employed as a babysitter and the mother tells you that the child sleeps all day and won’t be a hassle. When they leave, however, everything changes, and the house is turned upside down with violence when the child wakes up and you cant let your eyes of them even for a second.

I Can’t Let It Out

I Can’t Let It Out

When you have been coughing your lungs out out the whole time in class and you see your classmates getting kind of suspicious. So you have to try and hold your coughs in to prove that you are not infected with corona. If you liked The Simpson memes then you will love memes on Spongebob.

That Awful Feeling

That Awful Feeling

Have you ever had the feeling that you’re in for a wild weekend. You go into Friday full of determination and glitz, only to wake up on Sunday morning with a hangover feeling like you’ve been hit by a bus and a half. What happened to Saturday, anyway?



At some point in their lives, everyone has had the experience of asking a parent for help with a school assignment and having the parent attempt to guide them to the correct solution. Homer Simpson isn’t the type of parent you’d expect.

Why Is This True?

Why Is This True?

You know that feeling when you just changed into your pajamas and go straight to bed with the intention of waking up early the next day. But you stay awake till late at night tossing and turning in an attempt to sleep, only to finally sleep a few hours before your alarm clock goes off?

Not Yet Ready

Not Yet Ready

When you make the decision to get out and create new friends and acquaintances. However, you keep closing off opportunities to meet people and keep pushing people away.

I Can’t Do This Anymore

I Can’t Do This Anymore

When you’ve had a particularly trying week and are eagerly anticipating the arrival of the weekend. You’ll probably end up looking like Homer Simpson after you have spent the entire week taking tests and completing projects that are due.



You’ve all heard of Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece, the Mona Lisa, the most valuable painting in the world. We present Mona Simpson Lisa by the Simpsons, a very humorous artwork of Lisa Simpson that is quite similar to the original Mona Lisa picture.