“The Godfather” Memes
Based on the 1969 Mario Puzo novel of the same name, “The Godfather,” released in 1972 has since become a classic. Universally considered to be one of the greatest movies ever made, The Godfather is a must-watch for crime fiction lovers. Prior to The Godfather, movies about the Cosa Nostra were not regarded as quality cinema. Gangster films were mostly taken lightly. However, this movie completely revolutionized the sub-genre. Winning 3 Academy Awards and receiving nominations for a further 6, The Godfather cemented its name in Hollywood’s cinematic tapestry. Here are some of our favorite memes inspired by this iconic movie.
Who Is The Real Head of The Five Families?
If it’s been a while since you’ve watched the movie you may have forgotten that there was a very important guest present during the iconic first scene of the movie! Don Vito Corleone listens to Bonasera’s request intently while holding a precious feline on his lap. Needless to say, we now know who the most important member of the family is.
Family Is The Most Important Thing — We Love All Our Children Equally
This is a common joke within the fandom. For all the emphasis on family that Don Vito Corleone seemed to bank his identity on, we couldn’t help but notice his somewhat unequal distribution of care for his children. Michael is known to be the Don’s favorite son, Fredo was often neglected, and Sonny was considered unfit to be a Don before he famously got ‘massacred.’ That’s not to say The Godfather didn’t care about his other children, but the meme says it all.
Time To Do Some Genetic Ancestry Testing?
The Godfather is often credited as the film that shaped the perception of Italian American culture. Many film critics say it paved the way for further Italian American representation in mainstream Hollywood. Though this representation didn’t come without controversy, no one can deny the sheer awesomeness of this movie. We had to start off with this meme simply to highlight the significance of being of Italian descent. Any Italian genes in your body makes you that much closer to being part of “The Family.” Lucky you!(?)
Pizza And Movies Don’t Always Have A Symbiotic Relationship Apparently
While Sonny Corleone’s death no doubt is a tragic story, we couldn’t help but giggle at this one. Few things are as hotly contested as whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza. We want to know your take on this. Are you Italian? Do you enjoy pineapple on pizza? We wonder if the traditionalist Godfather would approve of this interesting twist to an Italian staple.
Too Soon To Make This Joke?
This particular incident may have set off the chain of events leading to the rise and eventual fall of Michael Corleone. Apollonia Vitelli’s untimely demise came as a shock to not just Michael, but also the viewers (or readers, for that matter). Similarly, we could say the pandemic we’re living through right now also took us by surprise. Of course, neither of these tragedies can be taken lightly — but humor is the best coping mechanism, isn’t it?
One For The Godfather Readers
It’s always interesting to find differences between books and their movies, no matter how small. Luca Brasi is definitely an interesting character. Although he isn’t kind by any means in the movie, he is nothing compared to the ruthless character we saw in the books. Mario Puzo’s Luca Brasi was much more violent and cruel, to the point where it was said that even Vito Corleone himself was slightly wary of Brasi. It was amusing to see the toned down version in the movies.
We Don’t Have Secrets In This Family… Or Do We?
We love seeing character downfalls in fiction. Michael Corleone’s fall from grace is truly the heart of the story. Seeing him go from an honorable man to a ruthless killer who lies to his wife is what makes The Godfather what it is. Lying to Kay about murdering Carlo Rizzi was a bit much though, don’t you think?
The Duality of Man
While we’re on the subject of Kay, we need to talk about their marriage. The Godfather fandom always loves joking about how badly Michael treated Kay and how different things would’ve been had Apollonia lived. Well we don’t know about that of course, but it sure is funny to see the distracted boyfriend meme with these serious faces on it.
The Destiny He Couldn’t Refuse
The fundamental question of the Godfather: did the Don write Michael’s destiny or would he always have made that choice? We don’t know. There are arguments for both sides for sure — even the murder of Carlo Rizzi was part of the Don’s wishes. I guess we’ll never know!
The Iconic Line
The one we couldn’t refuse from this list. Of course this memorable line had to be here! Even if you’ve never watched The Godfather, you almost certainly know this iconic line. Also, is it just us or does the reptile bear an uncanny resemblance to the Don?