Star Wars Prequel Memes

The prequel was received with a mixed reaction in the fandom. Heavily criticized for different reasons, but popular for its memes. We bring you the best ten memes from the prequel. The Star Wars prequel trilogy was released from 1999 to 2005 and is set before the original Star Wars trilogy (1977–83), making it the first act of the Skywalker saga, despite being the second released. Whether you agree on the quality of the Star Wars prequel, one thing we cannot deny is its epic lines and scenes.

You are still not a Master

You are still not a Master

“We do not grant you the rank of a master” is one of the most iconic lines from the prequel. Appointed by Chancellor Palpatine to represent him in the Jedi council. Anakin Skywalker was expecting to be crowned a master but Mace Windu has something else in store for him. This perfectly depicts ‘Y’s relationship with the vowels.

Newton’s Law

Newton’s Law

As Anakin’s paranoia got the better of him, he believed that everyone was turning against him. This meme of Newton shouting back at him is so fitting, as Newton’s third law clearly states that for every action, there is a reaction. It was his actions that turned people against him

Underestimate my power

Underestimate my power

It is starting to seem like the prequel was not such a bad movie, after all, it gave us some iconic quotes. Like this quote from Anakin during the duel on Mustafar. It has been used as a reaction image especially when someone underestimates something or someone else, usually ironically.

High Ground

High Ground

Obi-Wan surely gave us some classic lines in this prequel. One of them is “I have the high ground”. The line has been an endless source of jokes, memes, and gifs.

Every prequel scene

Every prequel scene

You know you’ve got it so bad when you are mentally dissecting every scene as a meme.

Online Classes

Online Classes

Ever since the outbreak of Coronavirus, the world has taken more to virtual meetings and classes. If you are a true Star Wars fan, this should remind you of something, the ‘prequel trilogy’. The prequel trilogy had everyone in the galaxy, communicating majorly through holograms. A hologram is an equivalent of what we have today as virtual meeting apps. In this scene, the Jedis and Sith were meeting up for a get-together. And it aptly describes our different states as we reluctantly log on to classes every Monday.

Hates Sand

Hates Sand

It was no secret that Anakin despised anything sand. When Obi-wan accused Anakin of becoming everything he swore to destroy after he turned to the Darkside, little did he know that the one thing he wanted so much to destroy was the darned sand that got everywhere.

Not Brave for politics

Not Brave for politics

The “Oh no, I’m not brave enough for politics” quote by Obi-wan turned out to be even more generally accepted than the prequel itself. Obi-Wan made the statement when he and Anakin Skywalker returned Chancellor Palpatine to the Senate building on Coruscant. Anakin asked Obi-Wan if he wanted to hang out with him and the senators, to which he responded, “Oh no, I’m not brave enough for politics.”

Anakin and Padme

Anakin and Padme

In this meme, Padme and Anakin were on a picnic. They were discussing their different views on the Galactic Republic’s system of governance. The meme is used to depict the slow progression of things or conversation, from bad to worse.

No disrespect for the prequel

No disrespect for the prequel

After blessing us with iconic lines and memes, C’mon. We will not be tolerating any disrespect for the Star Wars Prequel trilogy.