Stages Of Hangover Memes

Meanwhile, to help you feel better, we put together this collection of very relatable memes. The year has been quite a rough ride for everyone, in-between the variants of Covid-19 and adulting, it’s been pretty tough for most. An all-night binging on alcohol sounds like the best kickback to step down this holiday season, just drinks and old friends or family. But you’re probably going to regret it the next morning with your face down the toilet puking your intestines out. Then there is the head-splitting migraine that follows might have you swearing never to taste alcohol again, but we know, it’s only a matter of calls from your buddies, you will again.

Hangover Flashing

Hangover Flashing

This is the stage when you’re still out drinking and it is beginning to hit hard. You realize you’re done for but there is no going back.



After realizing the hangover is yet to hit you and you reach for water close to you, but there is none. If you know anything about hangovers, then you know you must have a bottle of water next to you at all times.

Hangover plus the sun

Hangover plus the sun

It’s nothing a cup of coffee won’t cure, you say. Then you shuffle off like a zombie to the kitchen. With your cup of coffee in hand, you decide to let the sun in. Then the sun hits your face. Damn!! Why you gotta be so harsh

Regretting the text

Regretting the text

And then the mother of them all, you remember that text. Remember, the one you sent to your ex last night in a drunken haze. Oh, sh*t is about to hit the fan.

Ordering Food

Ordering Food

Out of the shower, and still feeling miserable. Perhaps, stuffing your stomach with food will be the perfect cure. Behold, an ordering spree

Getting Wasted Again

Getting Wasted Again

Who even told you that you can get over a hangover with exactly the same thing that caused it. You are just setting yourself up for epic failure.

Before the hangover

Before the hangover

After dreading the hangover, then you wake up but you feel good. Hallelujah!! There is no hangover. Oh crap, you are still drunk at the party, you just passed out for a bit.

The Hangover Look

The Hangover Look

Then you are finally awake, you shuffle towards the bathroom to splash water on your face. Only to look in the mirror and see someone from a horror movie. And that our friend, is the onset of a terrible hangover.

Huge Mistakes

Huge Mistakes

Fully awake now, you flashback to the previous nights. You remember all the stupid actions that made sense last night that you made.

Sobbing in the Shower

Sobbing in the Shower

After the whole incidents of last night must have dawned on you, the regrets and pains start hitting you from every corner. You decide that to jump into the shower in a bid to wash away the memories.

Hungover And Fat

Hungover And Fat

The food was a bad idea. Now you are just a fat hungover drunk curled up in bed.

And back to ground zero

And back to ground zero

Oh, sweet lord! It feels like this is way more than a hangover. It feels like you are dying from one terminal disease

Done Drinking

Done Drinking

Breathing your last or so you thought, you promise everyone that cares to listen that you will never taste alcohol again. But we know you will be back next week, you can’t just resist the urge. It is a rinse-repeat cycle for you, and we will always be here with the memes to comfort you the morning after. Until your next weekend when you will get wasted again, check out Topmemes.