Omicron Memes
True to human nature and coping with humor, several people took to the internet to share Omicron-related memes. Topmemes brings to you the best of omicron memes on the internet. The world has been thrown into panic, ever since it witnessed its first case of Coronavirus. As if that is not enough, just when we were tipping towards the recovery phase. The world was slammed with yet another variant of Coronavirus, baptized as Omicron. For the past two years, the world has been trying to deal with a deadly disease that threatens to turn humans into zombies (we are just kidding). We are talking about a disease that has killed millions of people and still counting. When Mark Twain said, “The human race has only one really effective weapon, and that is laughter. The moment it arises, all your irritations and resentments slip away and the sunny spirit takes its place”, He was surely referring to a time like this.
Covid Progressing
Somehow, Coronavirus seems to be having more career growth than the rest of us in this recent times. Because what is this progression, we bet 2020 will be sipping wine right now, whilst having a blast watching us struggle with COVID and its children. The Omicron variant of COVID-19 has been called a variant of concern by WHO based on the evidence that it has several mutations that may have an impact on how it behaves. There is consistent evidence that Omicron is spreading significantly faster than the Delta variant in countries with documented community transmission, with a doubling time of 2-3 days. The overall risk related to this new variant remains very high.
And here we are
And we are here now with the new variant. It’s not even one month into the year, and this virus is beating us black and blue.
You guys are still alive?
God: What!!! There are still humans on planet earth? You lots are stronger than I thought, but your request is a tad bit late. Didn’t you see 2021 showing 2022 around, already?
Don’t you dare
But it dared and more, there is no backing down without a fight here.
No one really cares!
In case, Covid didn’t get the memo the first time, let’s reiterate ‘You can mutate all you want, no one cares’
Showing 2022 around
Oh yeah, from one colleague to another. ‘You’ve got to do better than I did’ oh here, hands over the baton and here we are dealing with ‘Omicron’ in 2022.
Oh dear, this is 2022
Looks like some people didn’t get the memo, it is 2022, darling! And Covid-19 has gone nowhere, just like everything in life, it has grown and mutated.
Train Wreck
How could you guys even think that you would even move on just like that, no way! Related: Top Memes About Adulting
oh, no! Anyway
What is Covid thinking? Just drop it, nobody is going to be stuck on you forever. What’s the worse that can happen?
No dull moment
We’ve got to hand it to Coronavirus, it’s steady raising the bar. Coming through with the updates.
How we are moving through 2022
Coronavirus be moving shady and we are going to be extra careful this year. We do not know what is lurking behind the doors. Finally We know these past years have been like a rollercoaster on us. We are all trying to patch up in little years, the anxieties and panics sometimes get the better of us. It is okay to take a breather or talk to someone. Since the onset of the virus, there has been a more than 40% reported increase in mental health crises. Next: Top Ten Relatable Mental Health Memes
War on Coronavirus
For each breakthrough that science gets on the virus, it seems to be one step ahead of humans. This is why Topmemes advises that you mask up and follow the Covid safety guidelines.