Mental Health Memes

What is also important are wholesome contents that supply a healthy dose of humor to cheer you up and give you an expressive outlet. Life can be tough with its ups and downs. One minute you are doing just fine, the next minute you’re bawling your eyes out or having a panic attack, we know this. Mental health challenges are not just something we wish away, having heart-to-heart conversations with your therapist is super important.

When your life is falling apart

When your life is falling apart

Uh, this one is not new. We are actually used to our train-wrecked life but we are doing just fine on the outside. PS: humor can only help you cope for a while but you have to talk to someone.

Sad Playlist

Sad Playlist

Hush now, you know we have to support some of our own like Billie Eilish, Adele, Birdy, and the others. Nothing speaks more to our soul than a relatable song at the moment.

Self Expression Issue

Self Expression Issue

Everything sounds so well and put together in our heads till we open our mouths, and then there is a thunderstorm everywhere.

Mental health check

Mental health check

Hey buddies, we know it’s rough out there and things are going zigzag. If it’s any help, this cat is roughed up but still maintaining beauty, that should count for something.

Anxiety Issues

Anxiety Issues

Anxieties can be the worst, especially when it keeps getting in the way when we are trying to be better or do something with ourselves.

Unsolicited Advice

Unsolicited Advice

Wow, it’s that simple, just thinking of how such a fantastic idea this is. Yeah, right, you can cheer up with just a snap of a finger.

Coping Mechanisms

Coping Mechanisms

What are we doing today to get by? Drinking? Overeating? Or What?

Anxieties And Others

Anxieties And Others

They say misery loves company but we tell nothing more comes with baggage than a mental breakdown. One minute, you’re having a panic attack, the next minute, it turns to a full-blown breakdown.

Self Denial

Self Denial

The problem has to be the world, in fact, there has to be a conspiracy somewhere.

We are back

We are back

Excuse our French, but after what we’ve been through we deserve a grand entrance “the queen is back”. We know dark humor can be a coping mechanism but that’s all that it is. Getting professional help goes a long way, as studies have shown that physical health goes hand in hand with mental health. Here are other memes to cheer you up