Darth Vader Memes


We gathered the best of Darth Vader memes on the internet, be careful not to laugh too hard before a familiar figure with a lightsaber visits you. For all the dark and menacing energy he exudes, Vader has some of the best Star Wars memes, which is rightly so, as he has been listed as one of the greatest villains and fictional characters ever. Darth Vader AKA Anakin Skywalker, murderer of innocent children is the primary antagonist in the original trilogy. As Anakin Skywalker, he was the protagonist in the Prequel trilogy. Fans of Star Wars seem to have a love-hate relationship with one of the most iconic villains to grace the silver screens. They can’t just hate him, neither can they say they love him without sounding like they now belong on the Darkside. Of course, nobody wants the entire Jedi order against them too.

Threw him out the Windu!

Threw him out the Windu!

We don’t know if George Lucas intended for the pun there when he was scripting the death of Mace Windu, but we love it. For those who didn’t know how Windu died, here is a bit. Mace Windu died at the hands of Anakin just after he turned to the dark side. Anakin cut off his former Jedi Master’s hand, and then struck him with the Force lightning which pushed him out of the Windu, sorry we meant Window.

You think you’re cool, huh?

You think you’re cool, huh?

We know you are cool and all, but have you got your theme song? No, you don’t but you know who does? Darth Vader. Man was so cool he has his theme song that announces his arrival. From a mile away you can tell he is around, just from the sound of his signature song. Beat that, haters!

Darth Vader as a philanthropist

Darth Vader as a philanthropist

Imagine the intimidating dark lord as a philanthropist? Yeah, right. Come to think of it, he has been lifting people without asking, so he’d make a good philanthropist.

Boy, do I have a surprise for you

Boy, do I have a surprise for you

What was Obi-wan Kenobi thinking when he lied to Luke Skywalker about his father? Did he think he would never have found out about his father or was he gearing him up for a surprise cute father-son reunion with Darth Vader at the battlefront? Little wonder, the subject of why Obi-wan lied to Luke Skywalker about his father continues to pose a hot controversy amongst the fandom. To gain more insight on this check out this article by Star Wars Fandom, “From A Certain Point Of View: Was Obi-wan Right To Say that Darth Vader killed Luke’s Father?”

I find your lack of faith disturbing

I find your lack of faith disturbing

C’mon now, do not try to deny it. If only we had powers like the Sith lord we could have done worse to that annoying co-worker at the staff meeting, who wouldn’t just stop talking. But Darth Vader did it for us all.

If only Darth Vader could jog?

If only Darth Vader could jog?

Amongst all the critics that the trilogy faced, we can all agree on this one. More than half the movie was spent on the ceremonial entrances of Vader. From his menacing silhouette, hissing mechanical breathing, and his theme song, it took more than half the screen time.

The Darth Vader Way

The Darth Vader Way

The man might be the worst villain but you can never say he is a weakling nor a quitter. He lost everything including half his body yet he kept going, he believed in something. Make of this what you will, ciao! Oh, by the way, it was Obi-Wan who severed his body half. While on the topic of Obi-Wan, check out these Obi-Wan Kenobi Memes If you enjoyed this collection, do well to check out our Star Wars Meme Collection.

I’m your father, take my hand maybe?

I’m your father, take my hand maybe?

This has got to be one of the most epic scenes in Star Wars. Imagine, you are in the middle of a duel, getting whopped on the ground and then the other side goes “here take my hand, I’m your father”. You can’t make this up!

All black, everything!

All black, everything!

Nah, we’ve got to hand it to the dark lord. He knows how to stick to his brand, there is no room for confusion. Never was he caught on any other costume all through the movie.

Hang in there, buddy!

Hang in there, buddy!

We don’t know who needs to hear this but hang in there, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Of course, we said there is always light but the type of light is what we can’t say. Might just be the dark lord with his powerful lightsaber lurking in the dark.