Christopher Nolan Memes

Nolan’s distinct ability to construct his film plots around concepts of time, memory, and identity gives his movies a certain flair that many filmmakers try and fail to emulate. His films can be thought of as a treasure hunt, with numerous puzzles hidden in almost every scene with devious plot twists. To honor Nolan’s uniqueness and the respect he commands on the big screen, we have compiled a list of the Top 10 Christopher Nolan memes. Christopher Nolan made his feature film debut with 1998’s The Following. Later, he achieved international acclaim with his second film, Memento, for which he even received an Academy Award nomination. He found further critical and commercial success with The Dark Knight Trilogy, The Prestige, Inception, and many more that followed. Famously known for his stellar cinematography and time-bending storytelling, Christopher Nolan has officially etched his name into our hearts as a successful director, producer, and screenwriter in Hollywood. Whether it’s his dreamscapes of Inception, the chaos of The Dark Knight, or the mental gymnastics of Memento, his films never fail to astound us. Needless to say, he is considered a legend of modern cinema.

We call it the “Nolan Effect”

We call it the “Nolan Effect”

It’s no secret that as good as his films are, the level of complexity that each one of them carries is difficult to decipher in just one viewing. Nolan’s films keep you engrossed in the plot even long after you’ve finished watching them, which is just another beauty of his style of storytelling.



Einstein: Time is relative. Christopher Nolan: Time is my relative.

A Dead Wives Tale by Christopher Nolan

A Dead Wives Tale by Christopher Nolan

Protagonist’s wife: Exists Christopher Nolan: You’re dead. It all started with the legacy left behind by Memento of getting the protagonist’s wife killed, and Nolan has remained loyal to this essence in almost every subsequent film that followed.

The Three Horsemen of Nolanverse

The Three Horsemen of Nolanverse

If you are a true Nolan fan and have seen the majority of his movies, you should be extremely familiar with these three faces consistently making appearances in his films. No wonder, Nolan loves bringing them back — they are all fantastic actors.

The Christopher Nolan Gauntlet

The Christopher Nolan Gauntlet

Tenet- Time Interstellar- Space Inception- Reality Dunkirk- Power Memento- Mind Prestige-Soul It looks like Christopher Nolan has single-handedly managed to channel the powers of all six Infinity Stones with his movie magic. In fact, it’s our boy Chris who is “inevitable” unlike Thanos.

The Christopher Nolan Movie Starter Pack

The Christopher Nolan Movie Starter Pack

It’s not a Christopher Nolan film unless there is a mind-bending time theory, a big-budget, men in suits, Michael Caine’s delightful presence, Han Zimmer’s excellent scores, little or no romance involved, and  — most importantly — a dead wife.

The Theory of Time in the Nolanverse

The Theory of Time in the Nolanverse

Physicists: Time cannot go backward. Christopher Nolan: That’s where you’re wrong kiddo. If you live in a reality where you experience time in a linear manner, it’s HIGH TIME for you to switch to the Nolanverse.

A little bit of plane crash with no CGI, please.

A little bit of plane crash with no CGI, please.

Fans: how did you manage to crash a real 747? Christopher Nolan: I bought the airline. It seemed neater. If you’ve seen Tenet, you’ll know that Nolan chose to film a real plane crash instead of using CGI for one of the scenes. In other words, if someone could hate CG with great passion, it would be Nolan.

Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible

Every one of his films is a unique work of art with distinct themes. As a result, comparing them is pointless at the first place.

The Zimmer-Nolan Supremacy

The Zimmer-Nolan Supremacy

It’s no secret that Christopher Nolan’s breathtaking cinematography and Hans Zimmer’s perfect scores go hand in hand, resulting in literal works of art like the score for Interstellar or Inception — and we’re all here for it. The cornfield scene in interstellar still resides in our hearts and minds rent-free. Thus, we’ll be ending this list of memes with a tribute to this legendary partnership, in the hopes that they continue to create more masterpieces.