Being Broke Memes

We get how it feels, so we bring you the only thing that will cost you nothing to make you happy. You know what they say about laughter being the best medicine, have a good laugh with these being broke memes. We know how it is living from paycheck to paycheck, having those bills deal with you. Being broke is one of the occupational hazards that come from adulting. It’s like one day, your finances seem alright, and then it dips like the volatile stock market. And you are broke! “Money comes and goes, but memes stay forever!” There has never been a truer line said!

Childhood memory

Childhood memory

We remember those days of blessed memory when the earth was still a nice place to live in, till we woke up to the world of capitalism and endless bills. Welcome to adulting101! Well you are dealing with your reality of being broke, check out these Top Memes About Adulting

Starved Piggy

Starved Piggy

Nah, you are rich! You cannot tell us otherwise, not when you are complaining about your piggy being lean. We don’t even have a darn piggy bank to start with.

It all happens so fast

It all happens so fast

After weeks of feeding off the can, the long-awaited payday is here. Finally! You have money and then puff!! It’s all gone shoulders slumped, heads hanging low we can totally relate to this. Maintaining financial stability is not an easy one, not with the pandemic and economic recession flying around. We thought this article by Forbes will aid you on the journey of becoming financially stable, Read here.

Budget compared to salary

Budget compared to salary

Sometimes, there is a type of tension that comes with receiving your monthly salary. Especially when monthly bills cut away more than half of your salary. That our friend is a whole new level to being broke.

Broque not Broke

Broque not Broke

We know we do not have money, but what you are not going to do is insult us. We are Broque not Broke, put some class to that, period!

Think about it

Think about it

Rule No1, Don’t even think about going to check your account balance. Just splurge, baby. You can’t be broke if you don’t check your bank account.

Reminiscing on all the money spent in the past

Reminiscing on all the money spent in the past

This is a rinse and repeat scene each time, brokenness comes knocking. Remember that $10 you spent on that fancy light on Amazon in 2012? Yes, that one. It could have gone a long way now

From mind to bank

From mind to bank

If wishes were horses, beggars would surely ride. I mean if there was a way to mine all the money in our mind off to the bank, who is Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos again?

Mo’ money, Mo’ problems

Mo’ money, Mo’ problems

Come to think of it, all these bills just pop up when they smell money around. Ugh, and those designers start calling on your spirits. Money is definitely the root of all problems, you can’t convince us otherwise.

Expired gym card

Expired gym card

We know we collectively agreed that money doesn’t matter in a relationship or date, but we cannot assure you that. At least you’ve got to pretend to pick up the bill if you want to get a shot at another date. But you are broke and what are your chances of seeing them again? Zero! Of course, we’ve got Heartbreak Memes To Heal your broken heart after they dump your broke as* We know these memes made you laugh, now put a smile on another’s face by sharing. Check out Topmemes for more like this.