Baby Yoda Memes

Baby Yoda who’s real name is Grogu became an internet sensation and a darling to the viewers. Different clips and pictures of baby Yoda have flooded the internet. Spinning off thousands of memes that range from funny and sarcastic to downright weird and unapologetically rude, and we love it. We bring to you the best of baby Yoda’s memes out there, you know this is your spot for top memes. Baby Yoda was first introduced to the world on November 12th, 2019, when the first episode of The Mandalorian premiered on Disney+. At the end of the episode, the character finds a 50-year-old creature that resembles the character Yoda in Star Wars. Remember Yoda, the Jedi Master. It’s a hard chance that there is someone that does not know baby Yoda, if you are that person, we’ve got you. From cute small furry puppies to adorable babies, there is just something about tiny creatures that snatch our hearts away, and that is what baby Yoda did ever since his first appearance in 2019.

Baby Yoda’s Face

Baby Yoda’s Face

At the number one spot, is the adorable face of baby Yoda introducing himself, looking all innocent and sweet. You couldn’t possibly hate the tiny creature with those large eyes staring at you, here is welcoming you to the world of baby Yoda memes.

Boomer Yoda

Boomer Yoda

Okay, if you’re a boomer, we are not coming for you but the baby Yoda thinks otherwise. This meme aptly captures the generation wars between the boomers and millennials/Gen Zers, constantly disagreeing on social issues and life matters. In the meme, Baby Yoda represents the younger generation throwing shades at the older Yoda of the boomer generation.

Instagram Versus Reality

Instagram Versus Reality

Show us a truer meme and we will wait, this is reality right here. We know how y’all dress up and look all glammed up for the Gram, but when we come knocking on your door, you’re probably still in your sleeping robes. This meme is a collage of baby Yoda(Grogu) and Yoda(Jedi master)

Daddy Leaving Home

Daddy Leaving Home

This is a dark one, but we couldn’t resist adding a little twist to this list. This is from one of the scenes in Mandolorian where Grogu was left bewildered, this picture captures that look on a little child’s face when s/he does not understand what is happening with mummy and daddy like the below caption.

Ready For Bed

Ready For Bed

This is one of the funniest yet relatable Baby Yoda’s memes. This is a scene from the Mandolorian series with 50-year-old Grogu was laying in his hammock. For some people, getting ready for bed is quite a task but then for others, it takes their head hitting the pillow and boom! Sleep. Which one are you?

Uber Driver

Uber Driver

Well, this one is a bit on the dark side but you’d admit it is scarily funny. Of course, it is a picture of baby Yoda and his always bewildered look



For every way you feel, we promise you there is a Baby Yoda meme to describe it, and this is one of them. There is no denying that we all run out of social battery, after a day of socializing with a lot of strangers, especially for introverts with job roles that demand social interaction.

Mum’s Nerve

Mum’s Nerve

This particular meme was taken from the many scenes of Baby Yoda in Mandolorian. This meme is a perfect description of when you know are close to the danger zone of getting on your mom’s last nerves.

Christmas Gifts

Christmas Gifts

How many people are you getting a gift this Christmas? Remember, Christmas is less than a month away. For us, we are adopting Baby Yoda’s mood. This is so timely and funny seeing as Christmas is just around the corner, but on a somber note, this is some people’s reality. If there is any medal of honor in the meme world, Baby Yoda will be getting the highest honors, cause this legend keeps blessing us with adorable memes every day.

Leaving Work

Leaving Work

We know we can’t be the only one who gets fed up with work and just wants to pack up and leave, this meme is so relatable. Thank you Baby Yoda for helping us express exactly what we feel sometimes.